CODA Online Meeting w/ Kim
Fri, Jan 19
|Zoom meeting see link below
We meet monthly online through Zoom for a very laid back CODA meeting for 60 mins.

Time & Location
Jan 19, 2024, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM EST
Zoom meeting see link below
About the event
About the Event
Jan. 19, 2024
Online Meeting on Zoom w/ Kim
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM EST
Please RSVP on this site two days before our meeting by 01/17/2023 @ 6:00 PM. Please be aware that if you do not RSVP before this time, the meeting can be cancelled. We must have at least 2 people to RSVP to have the meeting. Please be on time. At 6:05 p.m. the meeting will start and after that we cannot add more people due to disrupting the Zoom meeting. People who RSVP will be admitted to the meeting only.
We meet online through Zoom for a monthly and very laid back CODA meeting for 60 mins.
CODA was created for people who need support to have a healthy relationship with themselves and with the other people that are important in their lives. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy & loving relationships.
Please be respectful of other people's shares and experiences. Please do not give your opinions or feedback when other people share their stories. We do NOT crosstalk. If a member asks for feedback or advice, you may trade information and communicate outside of the meeting.
We Do Not Crosstalk
Crosstalk is interrupting, giving advice, playing amateur psychotherapist to others, or making comments about another person’s sharing. It is also talking to someone or making distracting noise during sharing time. In ACA, we don’t crosstalk. When others share with us, just listen; our reality, our truth, our ideas, our feelings, our self-image, our beings are affirmed. When we focus only on our own recovery (keeping out of other people’s), we are taking responsibility for our own lives. We do this by presenting all statements in the “I”, first-person, form. If you crosstalk, you will have 1 warning during the meeting, afterwards you will bumped from the meeting and not allowed back in. We want this to be a safe meeting, where everyone feels free to speak freely, no matter what they have to say.
Join Zoom Meeting By Clicking Link Below and using Meeting ID and password:
Personal Meeting ID: 745-136-1698
Password: 610282
Welcome to the CODA Meeting Forum.
Below you will see this week's readings.
There are also support links, suggested books, and other resources to help with your recovery.
CODA Community
Reach out to our CODA community to get answers.
If you would like to discuss a topic CODA related, this is your place and these are your people.
We ask that you are kind, compassionate, and follow the rules of allowing people to express
their experiences safely and in a non judgmental space.
Please have the Co-dependents Anonymous book
(not required for first time visitors)
Begin Our Meeting Here:
(Keep this page open so you can follow along.)
What is Codependence
Welcome to Co-Dependents Anonymous. We welcome you to Co-Dependents Anonymous,
a program of recovery from codependence, where each of us may share our experience,
strength, and hope in our efforts to find freedom where there has been bondage and
peace where there has been turmoil in our relationships with others and ourselves.
Most of us have been searching for ways to overcome the dilemmas of the conflicts
in our relationships and our childhoods. Many of us were raised in families where addictions existed -
some of us were not. In either case, we have found in each of our lives that codependence is
a most deeply rooted compulsive behavior and that it is born out of our sometimes moderately,
sometimes extremely dysfunctional families and other systems. We have each experienced
in our own ways the painful trauma of the emptiness of our childhood and relationships throughout
our lives. We attempted to use others - our mates, friends, and even our children, as our sole source
of identity, value and wellbeing, and as a way of trying to restore within us the emotional losses
from our childhoods. Our histories may include other powerful addictions which at times we have
used to cope with our codependence. We have all learned to survive life, but in CoDA we are learning
to live life. Through applying the Twelve Steps and principles found in CoDA to our daily life and
relationships, both present and past, we can experience a new freedom from our self-defeating
lifestyles. It is an individual growth process. Each of us is growing at our own pace and will
continue to do so as we remain open to God's (or whatever you choose to call this Power)
will for us on a daily basis. Our sharing is our way of identification and helps us to free the emotional
bonds of our past and the compulsive control of our present. No matter how traumatic your past
or despairing your present may seem, there is hope for a new day in the program of Co-Dependents Anonymous.
No longer do you need to rely on others as a power greater than yourself. May you instead find here a
new strength within to be that which God (or or whatever you choose to call this Power) intended - Precious and Free.
From: The Fellowship Service Manual of CoDependents Anonymous
Anonymity allows us to share our feelings and to experience an "Identity" apart from a "label." "Who you see here, what you hear here, let it stay here," is a good rule to follow in creating a safe place to share our feelings and recovery without fear of gossip, retaliation, or our anonymity being broken.
Our Readings
Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence
Recovery Patterns of Codependence
The Twelve Promises of Co-Dependents Anonymous
The Fellowship Service Manual of CoDependents Anonymous
Tradition Seven:
Every CoDA group ought to be fully self-supporting
Donate here to help with our meetings here
Thank you! Contributions maintain our actual group's expenses for the Zoom bi-weekly meetings and the materials we need to do our group meetings. Any amount helps!
Reading Material for This Week's Meeting (read this before the meeting)
Read the Co-dependents Anonymous book
Watch this video:
Discuss at Share Time:
MEMBERS CAN SHARE AT THIS POINT. Please limit your shares to five minutes.
If you do not want to talk, or are finished with your share, just say, "pass."
* END* Discuss the pages to read for our next meeting in 2 weeks in the CODA BLUE BOOK
9 Ways to Self-Regulate as an Empath.
Putting you first: 5 ways to Create Healthy Boundaries
Emotional Flashback Management in the Treatment of Complex PTSD by Pete Walker, MFT online recovery site
Healing Trauma - How To Start Feeling Safe In Your Own Body with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk